Ninety Percent of Everything integrate Perle Wireless Device Servers for Data Transmission on Ships
Stream and access data from navigational equipment with RS422 serial communication ports over WiFi
WiFi networks continue to grow in popularity because they are easy to install and do not incur the additional expense of running Ethernet cable in locations where it is impractical. The desire to transmit diverse data types over these wireless networks is growing. However, that data often originates in equipment that does not support 802.11 WiFi, such as the millions of devices deployed in manufacturing, energy production, industrial fieldbus applications, and industrial control systems that rely on serial RS422 and RS485 communication ports. These include smart meters, altimeters, sensors, gauges, sonar, navigational equipment, scanners, printers, and PLC’s. The increased adoption of Internet of Things (IoT) solutions combined with the increased necessity for cyber security is driving the desire to automate the process of accessing data safely and securely from operational equipment and transfer it over a wireless network.
For example, Stewart Adams, Lead Systems Engineer at Ninety Percent of Everything (90POE), needed a solution that enabled data to be transmitted over WiFi safely and securely from navigational and bridge equipment of a global fleet of commercial shipping vessels. Commercial navigational equipment has RS422 serial communication ports. The challenge was to find a safe and cyber secure Serial to Ethernet Converter that supported WiFi as part of the 90POE integrated onboard vessel system.
Enter, the Perle IOLAN SDG W. This class approved product was specifically designed to securely transmit authentic RS232, RS422, and RS485 serial data over a wireless network.
Operational integrity and cyber security are paramount when designing and deploying an integrated onboard vessel system across a global fleet of commercial vessels. As part of 90POE’s vessel deployment, the Perle IOLAN Wireless Device Servers provide a safe and secure way to create a serial to ethernet conversion enabling us to access and stream real-time data over WiFi to our onboard vessel system. The additional benefit of using the Perle IOLAN products means it saves us time and effort in removing the need to install an Ethernet network to access this critical operational data.

This critical data is then processed onboard by the 90POE integrated vessel system Oktopus.One, providing operational insight for crew onboard before being securely streamed via satellite back to shore. Through the 90POE digital platform OpenOcean Studio, this vessel operational data is combined and overlaid with other sources of data and intelligence to create value for ship operators and ship owners by better insights into their operations. Perle IOLAN products are therefore a key component in enabling the safe and secure access to this data which ultimately creates value for 90POE Customers.
About Ninety Percent of Everything: or feel free to contact for more information on how 90POE can help you gain better insights and more value from the operations of your commercial fleet.