Efficient air flow is a boon for data centers
By Max BurkhalterDecember 1, 2014
Small adjustments improve circulation
IT staff commonly place down tactical obstructions to create channels for hot and cold aisles. Less strategically placed obstructions, however, will merely hinder the efficient airflow of a data facility. IT staff should take care in recognizing how every piece of equipment in the building impacts air flow. Facilities Net recommended several small adjustments that go a long way toward steady circulation. Filling up empty server cabinets, for instance, prevents circulating air from becoming trapped inside small spaces. Deploying multiple strategies for better circulation will help keep operating expenses for data centers more affordable.
New gear expands organization options
Sometimes the removal of obstructions is not enough to maximize the airflow of a data facility. Achieving a steady airflow and proper separation of cool/hot aisles takes time, and sometimes requires IT staffs to make to make significant changes to their data center's interior layout. Thankfully, the latest tools like fiber to Ethernet converters make it easier to organize equipment in the data center. Given more possibilities for mixing and matching of copper wires with fiber-optic cables, IT teams can now arrange equipment without fretting over loss of network performance.
Perle has an extensive range of Managed and Unmanaged Fiber Media Converters to extended copper-based Ethernet equipment over a fiber optic link, multimode to multimode and multimode to single mode fiber up to 160 km.