FTTH Council lauds Google's FTTH networks
By Donna DonnawitzApril 24, 2013
Burnett Gold explained that Google's efforts represent a major step forward for FTTH deployment in the Americas.
"The announcement from Google is yet another validation that fiber is finally coming into its own in America," said Burnett Gold. "Communities across the country are increasingly committed to providing their citizens with the vital infrastructure they need to compete and succeed in the information economy. Cities large and small, from Seattle, Washington to Lafayette, Louisiana, understand that ultra high-speed networks will play a crucial role in empowering our nation's communities and we congratulate Google Fiber on adding Provo, Utah to the ever-growing roster of gigabit cities."
According to Burnett Gold, there are still plenty of under-served cities in the United States, and the FTTH Council Americas will continue to advocate continued FTTH adoption in these areas.
Dealing with geographic challenges in FTTH deployment
Distance is a major issue in FTTH deployment. Installing cabling over large telecom networks can be an extremely expensive process, especially in rural regions where the population density does not create enough customers to create consistent revenue. Many experts agree that supporting FTTH deployment with fiber-to-the-business solutions could complement the core telecom infrastructure and create revenue opportunities.
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