Inside NIST's new smart grid guidelines
By Donna DonnowitzMay 29, 2014
The source pointed out that this latest revision and updated version to existing oversight frameworks resulted from the speed with which smart grids are advancing and evolving.
"There have been many remarkable advances in smart grid infrastructure since the release of the last edition," said Chris Greer, smart grid program office director at NIST, according to the news provider. "By 2015, nearly a third of the 144 million meters in the U.S. will be smart meters. Through the Green Button effort, more than 45 electricity suppliers nationwide have committed to providing 59 million homes and businesses with access to their energy usage data. This new edition embraces this remarkable progress and provides a foundation for working together for the smart grid of the future."
SmartMeters noted that NIST is continuing to work with the European Union and other international parties to standardize, improve and streamline the oversight of smart grid technology.
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