Be sure to revisit data center security in the new year
By Max BurkhalterMarch 3, 2015
Stop wasting time with obsolete solutions
The verdict is in, and go-to security strategies like firewalls or directing traffic through choke points is simply no longer effective. Furthermore, these static security solutions make it very difficult to make small adjustments to security protocols, and adding a long list of exceptions to your firewalls is hardly much of an improvement. InfoWorld emphasized that IT managers consider transitioning toward dynamic security strategies that prioritizes decoupling workloads and uses natural-language syntax in lieu of IP addresses to organize and label security policies.
Preempt potential security flaws when updating your facility
Even changes to legacy data centers exposed the facility to greater risk. Adjustments to infrastructure or the integration of a new application can sometimes forces your IT team to deactivate security protocols or migrate applications and files to a new location. These scenarios disrupt the day-to-day operations of your facility and make the network more vulnerable to infiltration. That's why it makes sense for IT teams to include considerations for potential attacks into their organizational plans. Utilizing creative strategies, such as using a remote console server to help facilitate asset migration between multiple data centers, give IT teams greater flexibility and control over how to secure hardware in times of transition.
Utilize encryption whenever possible
According to PCWorld, big tech companies like Yahoo!, Facebook and Google have been encrypting the information traveling through their data centers for years. It's likely that more and more data centers, from colocation providers to in-house setups, will begin to encrypt their data more aggressively as security concerns take center stage. Starting your encryption process sooner than later will put your facility in a better position to fend off an attack.
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