Bitcoin mining data centers represent new trends in data storage solutions
By Max BurkhalterAugust 5, 2014
Datacenter Dynamics reports that telecom giant CenturyLink has recently secured a massive contract to serve the data center needs of Bitcoin mining company CoinTerra. The deal is notable for both its scope and size. CoinTerra currently supports about 15% of the entire Bitcoin currency, so it's no surprise the company negotiated a multi-million watt contract with CenturyLink. CenturyLink's extensive data center resources will help sustain CoinTerra's data and energy-hungry business while minimizing those costs.
Green mining
Some Bitcoin companies are trending toward green data centers to minimize energy costs. An article from CoinDesk.com reveals that Seattle's HashPlex, the first data center opened specifically to support Bitcoin mining, is run almost entirely on hydropower. The article mentions that HashPlex's hydro-powered data center is up to ten times more efficient than traditional set ups.
The marriage of green technology, data centers and the Bitcoin mining industry points toward the future of how data will be consumed and managed. The need for data center solutions is already on the rise, and the popularity of Bitcoin will only generate more momentum. More success stories like HashPlex will demonstrate the natural overlap between cost-effective data management and environmentally-conscious entrepreneurism.
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