Broadband critical for smart grid success
By Donna DonnowitzMay 16, 2014
"As a fire chief, I've been on many disasters or emergencies where the utility people are the most important people in my world right then," said FirstNet board member Jeff Johnson, according to the report. "On the surface, FirstNet partnering with utilities makes a great deal of business sense. Utilities do not have a clear path to the broadband spectrum they need to deploy all of the smart-grid technologies they want. FirstNet has lots of spectrum, but it really needs many of the assets held by utilities - hardened communications sites, fiber backhaul and a large user base - to make a nationwide broadband network financially viable."
FirstNet's broadband network infrastructure could be incredibly beneficial to utilities as well as support first responder and community needs. This infrastructure could optimize smart grid efforts and ensure consistent and reliable data to feed into grid optimization, distribution analysis and demand response. The best smart grid strategy will still rely on high-quality data transmission in both urban and rural environments.
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