Key factors to consider before jumping into the cloud
By Donna DonnowitzDecember 15, 2014
Businesses can resolve many of their in-house data center problems by expanding to the cloud. This is especially true for companies that have begun investing in big data solutions. Plenty of storage space and processing power will need to be made available before any productive insights can be calculated from the results. By investing in a move to the cloud in the midst of this transition, companies can avoid capacity problems later down the road.
Not all data center solutions end in the cloud
Computerworld noted that not all businesses will enjoy a seamless transition to the cloud. Even worse, companies that enter the cloud without an exit strategy may find themselves obligated to pay for services that don't fit the company's needs. There are several ways to expand the capacity and accessibility of a company's data center that don't require the purchase of storage space in the cloud. Rearranging the organization of in-house data center hardware, for instance, can help to cut clutter from facility. Reorganizing racks can help improve airflow through the building as well. If accessibility is an IT team's chief concern, then more versatile connectivity can be achieved by working through a remote console server.
Perle's wide range of 1 to 48 port Perle Console Servers provide data center managers and network administrators with secure remote management of any device with a serial console port. Plus, they are the only truly fault tolerant Console Servers on the market with the advanced security functionality needed to easily perform secure remote data center management and out-of-band management of IT assets from anywhere in the world.