Popular strategies to minimize data center costs
By Donna DonnowitzJuly 29, 2014
Utilize Middleware
Middleware is a software/hardware application that acts as a go-between for several different types of programs or systems. Data center infrastructure managementis the most popular type of middleware used in the data storage industry. FacilitiesNet notes that the appropriate middleware installation can help to monitor power usage and allow for greater communication across different systems. The data collected by a DCIM is also useful for evaluating cooling and hardware efficiency. DCIM programs are perfect for integrating multiple systems connected through a serial port server.
No two systems are unique. That's why businesses should do plenty of research before jumping into an efficiency strategy. While the right middleware will save a company money, the wrong middleware could result in wasteful overlapping of resources. Rationalizing hardware from the start will help to elucidate the holes in a company's tech and storage capabilities. This evaluation can then be used to measure the benefits of middleware and cooling upgrades.
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