Google announces another quantum computing project
By Max BurkhalterSeptember 3, 2014
Google and UCSB have jointly developed a unique, cross-shaped qubit dubbed Xmons, reports Gigaom.These quantum units are arranged in rows of five so that each Xmon is able to support its neighbor. The processor is cooled to superconducting temperatures in order to eliminate any magnetic or electrical fields that might interfere with the computing process.
Research with D-Wave
The joint project with UC Santa Barbara is not Google's first foray in quantum computing. Google recently invested in D-Wave Systems with NASA by purchasing one of the developer's quantum computing machines, according to International Business Times. Each organization paid $10 million for their D-Wave machines despite the fact that several scientists have disputed that the computer is a true quantum processor.
It is likely that Google, a company that has expressed interest in designing an in-house quantum computer, will apply design lessons learned through collaboration with D-Wave and UCSB to enhance its own ability to produce quantum machines. Google's success could lead to fundamental shifts in hardware, increasing the importance of hardware solutions like serial servers for connecting next-generation tech to legacy systems.
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