Robo '22: Advances in robotics have big tech implications
By Max BurkhalterMarch 22, 2022
From artificial intelligence (AI) powered robots to the advancement of 'smart' factories, 2022 looks to be a big year for machines. Here are some of the ways Internet of Things (IoT) technologies are impacting work and homes.
The future of AI
From 3D sensors to infrared cameras, the latest IoT technologies are integrated into robotics. Advances in the industry are so strong that an official designation, 'The Internet of Robotics Things' (IoRT) has been created.
A report published by CISION indicates IoRT is estimated to grow to a worth of $21.44 billion in 2022, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 29.7% between 2016-2022.
A new wave of technological advancement has resulted in unprecedented leaps in efficiency for multiple sectors of industry. This Fourth Industrial Revolution (4I) works to bridge the gap between physical and digital worlds, and the IoRT plays an important role in this space. Cyber physical systems, described as the resulting union of both physical and computational components, see robots as a manifestation of this technology.
Smart factory workers
4I looks to integrate technology in order to advance production rates, reduce costs and forecast maintenance repairs before equipment breakdowns.
Manufacturing robots, or 'collaborative robots' designed to speed up production in factories are generally regarded as the most common implementation of 4I advances. These robots assist their human co-workers with tasks such as welding and painting. The collaboration is beneficial for both parties. Robots make daily tasks easier and more efficient for humans, who in turn can wear smart tech sensors and diagnostic equipment in order to establish predictive maintenance for their machine co-workers.
This synergy between man and machine ensures increased and mutually beneficial productivity outcomes, with humans getting a hand with routine tasks while robots enjoy fewer maintenance-forced work stoppages.

Help at home
The rise of automated-assistant robots is quickly developing as a growth industry. Vacuuming and lawnmower devices from companies like Roomba and Husqvarna are already a fixture of many households. A recent Swan Robotics article detailed the next generation of domestic assistants, with developers from Willow Garage working towards a robot capable of folding laundry and making pancakes.
As outlined by the FDA, radio frequency identification (RFID) is making robotics implementation in the home more feasible. RFID compatibility with robots will allow them to take up tasks in the home more efficiently, with radio frequency communication between smart devices acting as a sonar as the robot navigates the home space.
Robots everywhere
Whether at home or in the workplace, robots may become as commonplace as pets and lunch room coffee machines. This type of growth is sure to impact every facet of industry, as RIoT and 4I collaborations lead to easier tasks and increased productivity in the places humans spend the most time.
Perle plays a part
To learn about the role Perle systems is playing in the industrial automation industry, visit our solutions page. EControl-Glas integrated Perle device servers to automate the control of window panes, just one way automated technology is making life in 2022 easier.